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Nature. People. Movement.

What do we mean by Mastering Movement? When it comes to resilience, considering all the different demands a building must withstand, Mastering Movement is the common thread. It’s what architects, designers, and engineers design for. Buildings move over time. All elements that touch the building are in movement, too—air, sun, earth, fire, water, and even people. We at CS are committed to being the experts in specific product solutions that address movement.


We recently launched the Mastering Movement™ Academy, where we look at the range of environmental events that impact buildings and the various issues that structures deal with within any given environment.

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Mastering Movement™ Academy

Architectural Louvers Breathe New Life into the Room
Today’s louvers go beyond function; they allow buildings to breathe and elevate façade design. Through several dynamic case studies and expert presentations, this webinar will examine the unique design and performance benefits of various louvers and louver accessories for the well-being of the building and building occupants.
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Mastering the Physical Movement of Sun and Light – Sunshades
In this presentation, we look at how the natural light and heat of the sun can be harnessed to benefit commercial spaces and their inhabitants. We will explore solutions to minimize energy consumption and improve occupant satisfaction. And we will delve into the criteria for utilizing sunshades to elevate building performance and create visually striking designs.
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Accommodating Movement in Building Design
In this presentation, we look at how the earth’s elements impact building movement and how the built environment can respond to those impacts. Mastering movement means designing buildings with training in mind and choosing products that can provide better health, wellness, and safety for occupants no matter what the outside environment conjures up.
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Mastering Physical Movements to the Building – Expansion Joint Covers
The world around us is in a constant state of movement. Buildings must be designed to anticipate the movement and provide flexibility to ebb with this natural flow state. This course will discuss the multiple types of building movement, their impacts on the building, and how a properly installed expansion joint cover system is vital to structural integrity, occupant safety, and optimal facility functioning.
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Mastering Unpredictable Movement – Earthquake-Ready Stairs
During seismic events, occupant safety becomes the highest priority. But designing for resiliency means we must also create structures that can protect building contents, limit structural damage, and reduce recovery time. This course will explore new stair system technologies developed to drift with seismic movement to eliminate system failure and the occupant and structural risks that often occur.
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The Benefits of Prefabricated Stair Systems
Construction managers on multi-level building projects must deal with active deck access for workers as the building goes up. Ladders and temporary stairs are standard solutions; however, ladders can be dangerous, and building temporary stairs on the job site takes valuable time. This course will provide an overview of modular construction and its growing popularity before moving into a more detailed discussion of prefabricated stairs.
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Mastering the Physical Movement of People – Interior Solutions
The performance and appearance of interior spaces within commercial buildings have a measurable impact on occupant satisfaction, performance, and well-being. These elements also have a direct effect on the preservation and implementation of the building. This presentation examines the solutions contributing to productive, comfortable, safe, and resilient interiors and how these systems can enhance facility functions, particularly in medical and educational settings.
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Climate Justice – From Resilient Housing to Handling Heatwaves
While the environmental emergency is endangering the entire planet, its impacts are not equally shared but are far more threatening to poor nations globally and marginalized communities in the U.S. This course explores these severe problems—and potential solutions—focusing on inequities in shelter, flood resilience, the peril of extreme heat, and public policy.
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