Entrance Flooring Design & Selection

What are entrance flooring systems

In today's construction industry, entrance flooring systems can be referred to as walk-off mats, foot grilles, entry grids, or any combination of these terms.

Importance of Entrance Flooring

What Questions to Ask

Sweet Green entrance flooring

Do these systems function as intended?

Carpet tiles have become popular due to their perceived cost-effectiveness, but they don't allow for adequate fall-through of dirt. Over 90% of moisture, dirt and contaminants can be removed from footwear after walking over just 10' of effective entrance flooring systems.
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Are eco-friendly products available?

To navigate 'green washing' and source products associated with a positive impact, look for products that are certified through the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Products Program. The certification is a multi-attribute, third-party certification that assesses a product's composition down to 100 ppm.
Visit Sustainability
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Do first impressions matter?

How many times have you visited a beautiful, high-end hotel or office building and noticed unsightly throw-down carpet mats at the front door? Do they provide an image of luxury and grandeur? Get in touch with our team of product specialists to find the right solution for your project.
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How does maintenance affect your product choices?

There is no getting around it - building maintenance is a daily responsibility. Taking proactive steps to ensure a client's building remains clean will not only keep the maintenance staff happy - it will save time and money as well.

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Consider the statistics

Some experts estimate that "floor maintenance can account for as much as 80 percent of a facility's cleaning budget."

Environmental Impacts

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Snow, Ice & Rain

A system that uses absorbent heavy-duty carpet inserts with aggressive dirt removing capabilities is the best choice for this type of weather.

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Dust & Sand

Opt for a system with more fall-through capabilities and tread inserts that capture or remove fine particles.

How Can I Reduce My Client's Risk Of Liability

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"Slip, trip and fall injuries were attributed to hazards such as liquid contamination on the floor, objects on the floor, or ice/snow in parking areas."
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"Falls, slips and trips accounted for 27 percent (309,060 cases) of the total occupational injuries and illnesses in 2015."
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"One out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury."
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"Each year, 2.8 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries."