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Elevating Education: 5 Ways to Prepare for the Upcoming School Season

Imagine your childhood and what school was like. What do you picture—your friends, your teachers? What about the buildings?

At CS, we’re fond of saying, “Think beyond the building.” What do we mean by that? Thinking beyond the building is simply looking at a building and seeing more than just a structure. We see the possible ways a space might affect its occupants, and we challenge ourselves to bring those impactful ideas to life. Schools are a great example of this because when you think about a place, aren’t you also thinking about how it makes you feel?

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In the education realm, our goal is to help you design, build, and maintain inspirational spaces that bring staff and students together to achieve their full potential. We collaborate early in the process with construction and design partners to develop tailored objectives and prevent project risks before they happen. Our solutions have been trusted by domestic and international partners for years and have been used in almost every type of school around the globe.

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We understand that keeping students on track is a full-time job, and it’s easier in an energizing environment. Everything from natural light to safe flooring to school spirit plays a role in motivating students and staff—and CS can contribute to all those elements, plus many more. Here are five ways our solutions can help you get ready for the next school year:

          1. Set up proper ventilation
              Louvers play an important role in improving energy performance, and they can also have a creative impact on exterior design.

          2. Let the right amount of natural light in—not too little, not too much
              Sun controls allow filtered light into your building, promote lower energy costs, and reduce glare.

          3. Trap dirt at entrances
               Entrance flooring traps dirt and debris at the door, which helps to reduce your overall maintenance costs and keeps your floors clean and safe.

          4. Protect your walls with durable, easily cleanable, and customizable Acrovyn®
              Any space that sees a lot of traffic should pay extra attention to its walls, and our complete line of wall protection stands up to heavy use.

          5. Display school pride
              If you’re looking to show off your school’s colors or want customized graphics to line your hallways, Acrovyn by Design® provides the ultimate design freedom while protecting your walls.

Curious to find out more about how our products can enhance your school? Explore our revamped education page, including a new brochure. There won’t be a quiz, but we bet it’ll get you thinking.

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