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Choose your own image

Whether you have an image in mind or need some inspiration to get you started, our Acrovyn by Design Custom Graphics Guide will walk you through the entire process. Learn everything from image setup to pricing structure to browsing free stock imagery all in one easy place.


Whatever Image - For Whatever Need

Photography | Branding | Wayfinding | Textures

With Acrovyn by Design’s endless customizable options, you can achieve the level of performance you need and the unique aesthetic you want.

Find the right image For your project

Getty Images and iStock

Browse an array of designs, images and illustrations by Getty/iStock, at no charge to you for use on Acrovyn by Design. Please note: Image usage fees may apply on certain downloads.

Browse images
Have a Creative Design of your Own?

Want a custom image? It’s easy, just upload your image and we’ll walk you through the process. Use our Image Requirements below to guide you during your image selection.


Design + Copyright Guides

When specifying Acrovyn by Design, we will require a basic design of the wall area with the relevant dimensions.

Choosing an image

Selecting the right image for your Acrovyn by Design project is essential, our creative services team is available to assist you with any questions.


You must have the legal rights to use any image you wish to have printed on Acrovyn by Design products.


Our color calibration software allows accurate matching to your original file within normal manufacturing tolerances.

File Specification

Images need to supplied with sufficient resolution to maintain image quality when enlarged to the size of the wall.

Image Requirements

Product Optimization

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